Sending files to Greater Dallas Press...
Please proof your files before sending. We print from the print files, not the layout files so take a few minutes to verify the files you are sending are accurate. This will save precious time in making corrections. Preflighting your files is highly recommended. Helpful information for preparing and preflighting files to get the best possible print results is available in the Tech Tips section.
We require a production sheet in order to begin processing your printing. The production sheet information is important. It communicates vital information to prepress about your printing. For simple broadsheet or tabloid newspapers, you can complete our Online Production Sheet by selecting the function below. For more detailed print jobs, download the detailed Production Sheet by selecting the link at the bottom left. Once completed the production sheet can be faxed or emailed to our Prepress Department.
The most convenient method of transferring files is through our secure FTP site by selecting FTP Upload here or the FTP Upload icon below; however, due to stringent firewalls or security some entities cannot access FTP sites. Our first suggested alternative is to upload the files from a remote location (see FTP Upload page). If you are unable to send files directly to our FTP site from your location or a remote location, we recommend our Hightail email link option below. Additional information about each option will be provided on each page.
If you have any questions about this process, please see our Contact Us or Prepress pages and let us know how we can help you.
Select a method to upload your file:
Click HERE for a detailed Production Sheet PDF and then "Back" or "Backspace" to return to this page.